Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Sound of Jello Thru a Straw

We woke up at 3am last night to the disturbing racket that was you struggling to breathe through your nose. Little bug, you have come down with your first cold. I can't say it comes a total surprise, you were already getting a little stuffed up before we hit the sheets last night but I was hoping it would be in and out with just a sneeze or two.

To your credit, you've been in a pretty good mood all day, even if you are feeling a little under the weather. To my credit, I've been training you since the day you were born not to fear the nasal aspirator. You've been very patient as your dad and I have stuck the plastic bulb up your nose and extracted stretchy, yellow strings of snot. I've been reciting the punchline to a card I gave your grandfather one year. I have no idea what the outside of the card said, but the inside said, "You may think it's funny, but it's snot." To be sure, no one on this end thinks your snot is funny.


Ashley, Bronson, Jackson, and Ellis Lee said...

I hope Marian feels better! She is just too cute and GROWING!! We miss yall lots around here. We would love nothing more then for Marian and you to join us for one of our daily walks. We are getting good at stomping the pavement of downtown Silver Spring!

Lynn said...

Oh great! The pediatrician assured me Charlie had allergy problems and not anything contagious! Nothing like giving someone a cold on their first meeting. Hope you are feeling better. We are sorry if we are the cause of your snuffly nose! We love you.

Jessa said...

Hi Amy,
This is Jessa, Eric Smith's wife. We've been following your fabulous adventures with Marian since we had our little guy, Eli, last month. It's great to catch up on your adventures with that little cutie!

I believe the saying on the card you're referring to goes something like this:
Don't kiss your honey,
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it's snot.

Love that!