Friday, October 5, 2007

New Doctor, New Weight Class

This morning we visited your new Atlanta doctor and we think we'll keep her. We'd been told by the DC doctor to go visit an Atlanta pediatrician at the three month mark to get your head circumference checked since your head grew so fast between your first and second month. We walked in the door this morning and the first thing the doctor said, looking up from her stack of files behind the front desk was, "that baby's head looks just fine to me." That's exactly what we thought.

We spent an hour or so getting to know the new pediatrician and talking about vitamin D supplements. I think if we went to 100 doctors we'd walk away with 100 different things we just "had to do" do prepare you for life. While the DC doc didn't think vitamin D is a big deal, this one is just sure it will keep you from getting cancer one day. So, we'll try the vitamin D drops.

I do have a bit of bad news. You no longer have an A+ in've slipped into the C+ to B- range. You're now merely in the 75% for weight. But the good news, you've moved up in height!

We've nearly worn out the playback button on the laughing video we posted but we've now discovered a way to get you to laugh almost on-demand. You love the sound of Peanut barking and could watch Bailey dance around your feet all day. As long as the dogs are animated (which usually involves feeding them copious amounts of treats while they spin and dance and bark and roll over) you are giggling. Before long we'll have two morbidly obese dogs but one very happy baby. So your two real loves right now seem to be dogs and baths.

You're in the other room right now jabbering away and making loud sucky noises. We're off on yet another road trip today to the lakehouse where you'll meet your great grandmother Ramke and some assorted aunts, uncles and cousins once-removed. I can't wait to dip your toes in the murky waters of East Tennessee.

1 comment:

Nona said...

Dear Marian,

In your short three months of life, you have managed to already greatly improve and enhance the lives of five individuals who fell hopelessly in love with you the moment you turned that beautiful face towards them. Your Mom, Dad, Mama Geri, Grandmom and Granddad will certainly never look at life in the same way as they did before June 29, 2007. And, your beautiful smile leaves everyone you meet talking about you long after you're gone. Even such a small being can make life much more fun to live.
Your Mom is worried about still being able make her place in the world and, at the same time, see the little miracles that you perform each day. Please tell her that miracles are well worth the sacrifice.
I had to face the same challenge many years ago. What I discovered was, changing the world can be put on hold indefinitely without even losing your place.
The twelve years that I spent watching your Dad, Aunt Christa, ad Aunt Katie, grow from little big headed babies to beautiful little adults, were the most incredible of my life. And, when the time was right, I reclaimed my place in the world and moved forward to change that world, one student at a time. Step by step, I got my graduate degrees, reached my goals, and touched the future.
Saving the world does take phyiscal strength like that of the young, but more importantly, it takes the emotional and spiritual strength that comes with age and experience.
I suppose that if I hadn't taken time to play with my children, I might have gotten to those goals a little sooner. Those three children, however, might have never fully understoood that the world was a place that was well worth saving. I love you, Marian, and am so grateful for the changes that you have brought to my life.
