Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another Saturday Night and I Aint Got Nobody

For the first time since you were born we will not wake up together. Today you, Poppa and Peanut drove to the lake house and I stayed home because I'm waiting for a baby to be born. It occurred to me when I decided to go through doula training that there would probably be a few scheduling conflicts. Sure enough, first birth, first conflict. The entire Ramke clan (minus Antenna) has gathered to celebrate Grandmother's 90th birthday and I'm feeling awfully left out.

I miss you sweet girl. I miss giving you post-nap hugs and checking on the chickens. I miss watching you crawl up into Momma G's lap for dinner treats (although she tells me you scored some filet mignon tonight...lucky). I miss bath time and goodnight kisses. And tomorrow morning, when the chickens start to cluck at sunrise I'll to miss the feeling of you curled neatly in the curve of my chest and stomach.

Sweet dreams Marian.

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