Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Picker

It seems impossible that we would have a picture of you from Halloween last year. I mean, didn't you just get here? But the proof is in the picture--there you are laying fast asleep in the pumpkin patch at Glenn Memorial. I used to work that pumpkin patch when I was in youth group, basically I volunteered with the hope that some cute guys from Druid Hills would have the same shift and we could flirt. That never happened.

We went yesterday, just two days before the big event, so the pickins were a little slim but you still had a ball. You found the perfect pumpkin, I found a warty one I'm sure will make a good witch and we brought them home. Hopefully Nona and Grandaddy who are visiting right now will help us carve later this afternoon.

And even though a lot has changed in a year (i.e. you can run around from pumpkin to pumpkin vs. sleeping through the whole experience) some things remain the same. One, you look good in orange. Two, Halloween once again seems to have brought on a stuffy nose. You don't need the manufactured "green slime" you've got it for real! Three, I still think you're all treat and no trick.

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