Tuesday, September 9, 2008


There are TV channels and websites devoted entirely to the DIY (do it yourself) lifestyle. In a few minutes you can learn how to make a fabulous holiday centerpiece or refinish old cabinets. There is DIY backyard chicken coop building (something we're getting ready to learn a thing or two about...shhh...don't tell Momma G) and DIY plumbing.

You are a huge devotee of DIY feeding and, increasingly, DIY dressing. The dressing bit has me tickled, the feeding less so. Somedays you feel like wearing panties, a bikini top and a fly pair of new shoes. Somedays you don't. That's fine with me.

I've learned never to dress you before the first bowl of oatmeal. Unless it's one of those days that bikini top and diapers is all you want to wear.


Jessa said...

What a little fashion plate.

Jenny Purtill said...

Loving watching a girl develop her own sense of style!

Anna said...

Clearly, unlike your mom, you haven't found the need to watch What Not to Wear yet - I love it!!!

Can't wait to see you little one :-)