Thursday, August 21, 2008

Into the Great Wide Open

One of the highlights of our trip to Ocean Springs was the trip we took to Folsom, LA and the Global Wildlife Center. Here are a few photos from the visit:

When heading on safari, one must dress for the part. Thanks to Sugar Bo (that's Aunt Rachael to me) for the elephant dress.

You've got your grandparents all in a row and pretty securely wrapped around your finger. That's your friend Jaqueline making sure you're well hydrated.

Feeding a giraffe out of my hand was pretty cool--you were only slightly concerned.

Watusi cattle can do cool tricks with their tongues.

You make sure we don't miss a thing. I have a death grip on your thigh.

I think I know the feeling my friend...


Jessa said...

Hoorah for Hong Kong! What fun to get so many pics of you guys! It looks like you've been having a blast. Hope all is well!

Anna said...

Yea, finally new pics! I am constantly amazed at how big and expressive you are getting. I love your "surprise" face - keep practicing, it's always good to be able to act surprised! I am sad to be missing you growing up sweet niece. Thankfully your mom is pretty good about keeping all of your fans updated with pictures. I can't wait to see you live and in person in just over a month! Love you all.