Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Honk If You Love Roadtrips

There are some people who can't resist the lure of the open road. It struck me as we enjoyed our fourteenth hour on the highway between DC and Chicago this past weekend that we might have given birth to one such free spirit. You slept and you cooed and smiled at all your adoring fans in the truck stops. You only really fussed when we got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic just outside of Chicago, and really, who could blame you?

Before your 2nd month of life you have already visited six states and the District of Columbia. In just three more weeks we will get to add 3 more states. I'm betting that before you are four months old you will have seen a full 12 states by car, roughly 25 percent of all the states there are to see; not bad my little wanderlust.

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