Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Anything is Possible.

It's 10:30am and in one hour and 30 minutes Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. I'm sitting at home right now, glued to CNN and wiping tears off my cheeks every few minutes. You are at London's house playing with trains.

It's not too much of an overstatement to say that today I place much of your future in this man's trust. And at this moment, I can't help but believe we're all going to be okay. He isn't a savior, or a magician but I believe in him. And, after watching this country elect him and then rally around him, I believe in us.

Today, anything is possible. The world is wide open to you my sweet girl.


Jessa said...

Man, I no longer have to struggle to put my thoughts and feelings into words. I'm just going to copy and paste your blog posts into mine ok?

Not really, but ditto. Totally ditto. We had very similar mornings, except I kept Eli on my hip through the morning so I could smell his little cereal encrusted curls and be reminded of why this day brings such hope and relief.

Eric said...

Having a kid definitely makes me more invested in this. I totally lost it in the speech when he talked about future generations. He's not perfect, but he's the best we'll see in our lifetimes.