Monday, May 12, 2008

MAYbe too busy

This month has been crazy crazy busy. Some of it was planned (like Auntie Dana's wedding from which we just returned). Some of it was not.

For instance, we did not plan on our friend Ashton going into labor the minute she put her husband on a plane to Australia. We did not anticipate picking up her first set of twins from the concierge desk at her condominium building where she had to leave them while she drove herself to the hospital to deliver her SECOND set of twins. We did not anticipate that we would get a weekend playdate with sweet 9 month old girls while we feverishly tracked down the daddy of now (take a deep breath and try to imagine this...) FOUR babies under the age of 10 months.
All of this happened the week before your poppa went to Callaway Gardens for a work trip and your Mama G went to the beach. Luckily, your grandmother Nona and aunt Jane came for a visit and bailed us out.

Because I find the task of reporting on the first half of May too overwhelming, I've decided just to post some pictures. The first one, I think, is an apt representation of how we've all felt.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Four babies under 10 months???

(Shaking head slowly)