Friday, December 28, 2007

A Little Christmas Cheer

I'm listening to you ring bells and sing on the front porch in Ocean Springs. The Christmas tree here has already been undecorated but there's still lots of family around to make the house festive and busy (sometimes very busy!). While our original plan was to head back to Atlanta today our car is currently busted up at the shop (this makes it's third trip to the shop in two months) and your dad and I are planning how to spend our extra day . I'm thinking we'll head out in a few minutes to take you to the seashore or some other exotic locale (like Hudsons...very exotic).

Your first Christmas was really wonderful and as predicted, the best presents were the bows, paper and Lemur's wooden spoons. You've knocked around at your drum set and bounced in the Exersaucer but nothing beats those wooden spoons. I won't get into all the details but it appears that Santa did track your movements carefully and was able to deliver the goods in time for Christmas morning.

It's time to move on right now, I'll follow up with a fuller Christmas report soon.

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